Gaurav Bhatnagar
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Hi! I’m a senior majoring in EECS & Business at UC Berkeley Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology Program. I’m interested in Software Engineering and Product Management for B2B & B2C digital products, robotics, and distributed systems. I am seeking new graduate and early career opportunities for Software Engineering and Product Management beginning in Summer 2024.
Previously, I was at Segmed as a Software Engineering Intern working on live testing frameworks. Prior to that, I was at Correlia Biosystems as a Software Engineering Intern working on remote diagnostic tools and outlier rejection algorithms. Before that, I was at Dataherald as a Product Management and Software Engineering Intern where I shipped and built a series of Census 2020 real-time visualization dashboards to over 140,000 readers and 500,000 impressions on the first day – at then, a company record.
On campus, I’m an undergraduate student researcher under Professor S. Shankar Sastry, on a Teaching Assistant for CS 162: Operating Systems and Systems Programming, and a Senior Advisor at UpSync Consulting. Previously, I was a Teaching Assistant for CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory, VP of Projects and VP of Professional Development at UpSync Consulting, on the web team of The Berkeley Project, completed research under Asst. Prof. Andrew Blanton at CNMAT on designing real-time rendering of motion capture data, and on the electrical team for on-campus robotics organization Metrobot.
Have any ideas to discuss? Feel free to reach out below, I’d love to chat!
Dec 31, 2023 | Completed research with 3 peers titled Model Compression and Fine-Tuning for Reinforcement Learning for CS 262A: Graduate Computer Systems |
Dec 1, 2023 | First acknowledgement in Rahmanian et al. Role of Uncertainty in Anticipatory Trajectory Prediction for a Ping-Pong Playing Robot, arXiv:2312.03024, in review for CVPR |
Aug 2, 2023 | Researching under Professor S. Shankar Sastry’s Ping Pong Robotics Group |
May 17, 2023 | Interning at Segmed (YC W20) for Summer 2023 as a SWE Intern |