
Descriptions of courses I have taught before, along with their materials.

In Fall of 2023, I was a uGSI (Berkeley-dialect for TA) for CS 162: Operating Systems and Systems Programming, the main undergraduate systems course at Berkeley with ~300 students per semester. I held over 20 in-depth design reviews for implementing parts of the OS such as file systems and scheduling, weekly discussion, and office hours. In total, I taught for ~60 hours.

In Spring of 2023, I was a uGSI for CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory, a core CS requirement with ~600 students per semester. I held bi-weekly discussion to over 30 students and office hours for the course. I have also been a 2-time Reader and Academic Intern for the course, leading to over 160 hours taught.

Some sample mini-lectures can be found here.